OLA Team 2022
The continuing members of the OLA Board of Directors: Isaac Maycotte, Jessica X. Vega G., ASA, Anji Li, J. Alfonso Carrillo-Lundgren, FSA, EA (he/him), Adelaida Campos, FSA, Carlos Orozco, FSA, MAAA, Daniel Fernandez, FCAS, MAAA and Regina Kintana, ACAS (not pictured), officially welcomed new OLA team members!
Board of Directors: Anthony Lucero, ASA joins the board as Director of Membership, he will enhance OLA’s database, create a membership structure, develop and update OLA’s newsletter and handle our mailing list.
Project Managers: Brandon Alcaide is the new OLA Academy (OLAA) PM, he will take over managing the OLAA program. Felipe Valladares is the new Career Fair/Career Center PM, he will lead the virtual career fairs and will develop new job posting capabilities. Larisa Cabral and Adrian Corredoira are the new University Relations PMs, they will develop and strengthen relationships with actuarial professors and advisors across the country.
Join us in congratulating them all on their new roles! We are thankful for your commitment and interest in helping OLA and the Latine community we serve! Stay tuned for more information about our new team members!